Make a Work Self-Care Plan in Three Steps

Make a Work Self-Care Plan in Three Steps

Life can be full of stress, worry, anxiety, fear, that make our bodies not feel good. The purpose of self care is activities we do that help our body and mind to feel good again. 

I did a training a number of years ago, and the presenter discussed having a visual self care poster at their desk. Here is the one I made after this training, that I have in my work area. 

We all change and find new things that work for us. I’m in a different season of life from when I made that plan and I’ve found some really helpful things for me that work right now. So I encourage you, even if you have done one in the past, to update it, because you may have new feel good actions you're doing that can be added to your plan. 


I am obsessed with painting, to the extent we have set up a painting table in our dining room. I paint before work some mornings and then at night while I’m making dinner, I multitask. I have found it so freeing, liberating, and I can paint what's on my mind in an abstract way processing the emotions and pain. 


I cook dinner every night, it’s probably my switch off from work and the activity that integrates me back into my home life. It’s also so consistent, predictable and routine because I do it everyday. I have some repeat recipes, but often I mix and match based on what ingredients I have. 


Pretty much any water activity gets me, walking our dog at the beach, swimming laps at the pool, surfing, a hot shower. I just love water, I feel so alive and calm when I am around it. I am definitely drawn to water. Even looking at it makes me feel happy, like we get ice creams every friday night and the majority of time, we will eat them in the car watching the ocean, so magnificent. 


Upon Googling ways to help with homesickness, a pet was suggested. We got a puppy in June 2023 to help my husband who was experiencing a lot of homesickness through our three moves. So, Popcorn, our 8 week old border collie girl, came into our lives. I was not the biggest fan to begin with, she definitely opened my heart and melted me day by day. Now, I can’t imagine our life without her and we do everything with her. Her cuddles are always welcome and encouraged. It’s a dream of ours to bring her into the work we do in our communities and Kyle’s classroom. 

What I want to test out for feel good actions: 

I have on my agenda to try using air dry clay and to start a veggie patch, growing citrus trees, and possibly wild flowers, that I can cut and put in vases around my house. I’ll see how these go. 

Now it’s your turn:

  1. Write a list of everything that feels good to YOU. Not what feels good to Jamie, Bron or Hugo, but YOU! Try and brainstorm things that are free and low cost as well, to ensure that there are not too many barriers to accessing these activities. I love cuddles and my hair in a bun, both are free and I can even put my hair in a bun at work. Yasss!!! Also consider what you can do daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly. 
  2. Write a list of anything you would like to try, to see if that feels good to you. Can it be put into your routine? Would it be positive or bring more stress? Is it doable? 
  3. I chose a visual poster so it’s pretty private, I know what the images mean but that doesn’t mean the people next to me or in my office do. Your self care plan can be as public or private as you want, the most important thing is that it’s useful and supportive to you. Create your plan using images, text or both. 

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