How to Support Your Child to Practice Mindful Breathing

How to Support Your Child to Practice Mindful Breathing


I have worked with many children who have anxious thoughts and worries. These worries affect how they feel in their bodies. They may be telling you they have a sore tummy, feel sick, or maybe you notice that their eyes keep darting around rooms trying to spot any dangers to keep themselves safe in new environments. 

Self-care seems to be talked about more openly now and promoted more broadly. However, in the craziness of the day, we may not be intentionally practicing self-care. Often, when we need self-care the most, when the worries and stresses are there, we don't reach out for helpful coping strategies. 

So, what do we do when children are in a season of worry with all these different changes occurring? We put practice time into a child's daily routine. The strategies will not be helpful when a child needs it most, if it has not been practiced and they have felt the benefits within their own body. 


Mindful breathing is an easy and quick strategy to integrate into your child's routine. You know your child the best, perhaps before bed is an ideal time, or at the beginning of the day when you wake them up. I imagine having a stack of these cards besides your child's bed. This supports the child reaching for the cards, they also get to practice making a choice by picking a card each breathing session. It maybe they want to do two, or three cards every time. By practicing in this way, when your child is faced with overwhelming feelings in their body, they can do a feel good action...breathing in, holding the breath and then breathing out.

You can support your child by asking questions before and after they use a card, such as, is there anywhere in your body that is sore or doesn't feel good? What does your body feel like now after you have used the card? 


Your child may find a coping skill for life!



  • Resources do not substitute therapy and do not replace medical advice.

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