About Me

Hey, my name is Claire!

I have a Master of Social Work. I live in Victoria, Australia and love to spend as much time as possible near the beach!

I love resources! There is so much knowledge and many approaches and methods out there but sometimes they don't have actual tools for us to use them in our every day lives or practice. I am client centered in my practice, so I wanted tools that I can use with clients instead of doing work for clients. Tools open up spaces for clients to map out their story, strengths, problems and solutions.

I always tell people I have too many ideas. After getting appendicitis and being on the couch for a week, I decided I could share the resources I already have with people. So, here they are! Shop a variety of resources (don't forget to grab your freebies). My mind is always moving to something different, so there is a variety, haha! 

I'm married to an amazing man Kyle! He is a primary school teacher, so many resources also end up in his classroom. We like to merge our two sets of skills to make a pretty amazing classroom set up. We are the #dreamteam. 


Where did I Will come from? I got sick when I was 17 years old, ended up using a walking stick and wheel chair for two and a half years. During that time, I came up with my I Will's, 10 things I would do when I was better again. I Will is my life motto, and is very much apart of my life story. 
