Family Goal- Help With Family Finances

Family Goal- Help With Family Finances

The essential costs of living are rapidly increasing which is putting a strain on a lot of families' ability to keep the lights on, water flowing and home warm.

So, today I thought I would share about the Victorian Utility Relief Grant Scheme.

First things first is who can apply for it, 

It is Victorian based. 

The account holder for the utility account has one of the following eligible concession cards, Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card or Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card.

Or are part of a low-income household (*$2,155.20 or less single income per fortnight, $3,297.60 or less coupled income per fortnight, before tax) you may also be able to apply. 

The grant is available to renters and homeowners.

The other part of the criteria is are you unable to pay a utility bill without assistance and have you or someone in your house has experienced family violence, you have had a recent decrease in income, for example, lost your job, reduced hours or family separation, you have had high unexpected costs for essential items (car repair, heater replacement), the cost of shelter is more than 30% of your household income.

After considering all of this, and you're nodding to yourself thinking yes this is me, I can apply for this. 

Then the next step is to call your electricity, gas or water retailer to request an application for the utility relief grant. Your retailer will ask you some questions to check if you are eligible before issuing an application form. You can apply for a grant for each utility.  The application can be completed online or your utility provider can post you out a paper copy. 

Need help? A friend, support worker or financial counsellor can help you complete the application. 

The amount you are able to get from the grant depends on what you owe to the utility provider at the time you are applying, they also take into consideration why you are applying in your application. 

You can receive a maximum of $650 on each utility type in a two-year period (or $1,300 for households with a single source of energy (for example, electricity only).

Please note in your application they may ask for supporting documents in relation as to the reasons you are applying such as for reduced hours, loss of job or unexpected expenses they may ask for recent pay slips, bank statements or a letter from an employer. 

Hope this helps!


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