Social Work Wins- Things I love about social work

Social Work Wins- Things I love about social work

Wins, wins, wins

I love when I get a win! What do I class as a win, anything that seemed unlikely, impossible, or there is a heavy narrative in the community that it is super ridiculously hard. 

So when a family I am working with gets a new rental, it's a super fantastic win and you betcha, I jump up and down and do a small squeal of congratulations. Housing is a basic need and the bottom of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. So housing does get me. 

What else gets me? When a family has struggled getting linked into a service due to a number of barriers and then we are able to work around the barriers, they are engaged and the engagement is happening routinely with stability. That’s a win. 

Any time I get funding approved is a win. 

Any time we get a fine withdrawn or reduced.

Any time I get something done that I didn’t want to do, is a win. Sometimes I can procrastinate in my head and make something out to be way worse than in reality it is. When I finally get into the headspace to take it on, afterwards, that feeling of relief that it’s over and done, that is a total win. 

Social work is full of wins, and sometimes I feel so blessed to be a fly on the wall and hear such amazing stories of change, safety, connection and healing. 

What’s a win you had today?



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