My day as a social worker

My day as a social worker

You might be considering what social work can look like, so I thought I'd share a bit more of what a day can look like.

I get up around 6:40am to walk my border collie Popcorn with my husband Kyle.

Then I make Kyle’s smoothie, lemon drink and cordial haha. I then pack our lunches while he sets up Popcorn’s outside backyard playground for the day. 

My drive to the office is around 30 minutes. I will start my day with a chat with my colleagues, set up my laptop, read emails and check my phone for messages/missed calls.

I’ll go through my calendar, then send out reminder text messages for the day confirming any appointments, so I know what’s on for the day. 


I will then do a mixture of typing case notes from the day before or finishing off any resources/documents needed for the appointments for the day. I love to plan out visits that are led by the clients goals, and that are useful. I might have 2-3 activities or tasks planned out for the hour per client/family. 


I might leave the office for an appointment with a family, go back to the office, type some notes, eat lunch, start some actions from the visit like calling a service or starting a referral, then head off in the afternoon to pick up an order of donated baby items or a second appointment with a client/family. 

My days are diverse, every day is legit different. You never know really what will happen despite setting up a calendar. 

Then I’ll drive home listening to a podcast or chatting to my sister. Make some dinner for the family, I might paint, do my own life admin, watch a good movie and relax. 

This is a little bit about what my day can look like as a social worker!



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