Getting a Will is Definitely Worth it- Please Read This Story

Getting a Will is Definitely Worth it- Please Read This Story

One of the biggest lessons I have learnt as a social worker…

I hear a lot of challenging situations from many people every day. The hardest situation I have heard recently was a partner dying without a will, leaving their de- facto partner with their young children to manage properties they couldn’t do anything with because there was no will, no estate manager to manage the deceased partner's estates including their real estate. After hearing this person’s story, I went to the office and asked all my colleagues if they had a will, no one said they did. It was scary! 

They all thought that their children or partner would just get it and deal with it. They didn’t know that if you do not have a will, your family won’t just get it if you die. They will have to apply for a letter of application, and will likely seek legal support for this process which will cost thousands of dollars and time to be granted. If they decide to apply themselves, there are processing fees for the application to be submitted. There will be a cost to your family. 

So, if you live in Australia and do not have a will set up, I encourage you to set one up.

Check out these resources for help:

Online Will for just $69 (

In person appointment (





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